• We are capacity builders, helping our clients understand the strengths, challenges, gaps and opportunities for improvement. We roll up our sleeves and work to help you recognize what is working well and connect the dots of your successes.

  • Our approach lies largely in our capacity to bring all stakeholders together to learn, listen and gain a better understanding of the important and complex issue of improving psychological health and safety in their workplace.

  • We engage leaders at all levels of your organization, building on their understanding that creating a healthier workplace is every employee’s right and responsibility.

  • We collaboratively work toward attainable goals, objectives and action plans by facilitating the meaningful participation of all employees. We support forward movement, ongoing dialogue, evaluation and next steps

  • We inform your decision-making and strategic/action planning through our cross-sector: knowledge, skills and experience. We leverage the networks of influence within every domain of the organization from the employee, union stewards, supervisors, managers and senior leadership.

  • We provide a service that is flexible, creative, custom-built and evidence-based toward creating a workplace culture that provides optimal capacity for employees to succeed.

  • We use a variety of proven methods that deliver on-time and on-budget projects.


  • Organizations that have developed a foundation for the governance of psychological health and safety - Leadership

  • Organizational stakeholders collaboratively developing an engagement strategy, focused on openness and inclusion of employees supporting psychological health and safety in the workplace during all stages of planning, implementation, review and remediation - Engagement

  • Empowered Leadership, both formal and informal, with the knowledge, tools, and skills to build a solid foundation that supports a mentally healthy workplace - Education, Training, OHS and Workplace Practices

  • Joint Management/Union mental health policy statement disseminated through a communication plan that is responsive to all level of the organization, respectful of organizational diversity, and allows for sustainability and continuous improvement; fostered in a Four Steps Communication Approach: Plan, Do, Check and Act - Communication

  • An organizational Mental Health Benchmark and Action Planning process, established in collaboration with OHS, HR, Employment Equity and ICMS - Measurement and Accountability